## Copyright (C) 2007-2021 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file COPYRIGHT.md in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or .
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
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## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {} {@var{T} =} delaunayn (@var{pts})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{T} =} delaunayn (@var{pts}, @var{options})
## Compute the Delaunay triangulation for an N-dimensional set of points.
## The Delaunay triangulation is a tessellation of the convex hull of a set of
## points such that no N-sphere defined by the N-triangles contains any other
## points from the set.
## The input matrix @var{pts} of size [n, dim] contains n points in a space of
## dimension dim. The return matrix @var{T} has size [m, dim+1]. Each row of
## @var{T} contains a set of indices back into the original set of points
## @var{pts} which describes a simplex of dimension dim. For example, a 2-D
## simplex is a triangle and 3-D simplex is a tetrahedron.
## An optional second argument, which must be a string or cell array of
## strings, contains options passed to the underlying qhull command. See the
## documentation for the Qhull library for details
## @url{http://www.qhull.org/html/qh-quick.htm#options}.
## The default options depend on the dimension of the input:
## @itemize
## @item 2-D and 3-D: @var{options} = @code{@{"Qt", "Qbb", "Qc"@}}
## @item 4-D and higher: @var{options} = @code{@{"Qt", "Qbb", "Qc", "Qx"@}}
## @end itemize
## If Qhull fails for 2-D input the triangulation is attempted again with
## the options @code{@{"Qt", "Qbb", "Qc", "Qz"@}} which may result in
## reduced accuracy.
## If @var{options} is not present or @code{[]} then the default arguments are
## used. Otherwise, @var{options} replaces the default argument list.
## To append user options to the defaults it is necessary to repeat the
## default arguments in @var{options}. Use a null string to pass no arguments.
## @seealso{delaunay, convhulln, voronoin, trimesh, tetramesh}
## @end deftypefn
function T = delaunayn (pts, varargin)
if (nargin < 1)
print_usage ();
if (isempty (varargin) || isempty (varargin{1}))
T = __delaunayn__ (pts);
if (columns (pts) <= 2)
T = __delaunayn__ (pts, "Qt Qbb Qc Qz");
T = __delaunayn__ (pts, varargin{:});
if (isa (pts, "single"))
tol = 1e3 * eps ("single");
tol = 1e3 * eps;
## Try to remove the zero volume simplices. The volume of the i-th simplex is
## given by abs(det(pts(T(i,1:end-1),:)-pts(T(i,2:end),:)))/factorial(ndim+1)
## (reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplex). Any simplex with a
## relative volume less than some arbitrary criteria is rejected. The
## criteria we use is the volume of the simplex corresponding to an
## orthogonal simplex is equal edge length all equal to the edge length of
## the original simplex. If the relative volume is 1e3*eps then the simplex
## is rejected. Note division of the two volumes means that the factor
## factorial(ndim+1) is dropped.
[nt, nd] = size (T);
if (any (nd == 3:8))
## 2D-7D case
p12 = pts(T(:,1), :) - pts(T(:,2), :);
p23 = pts(T(:,2), :) - pts(T(:,3), :);
if (nd == 3)
# 2D
p12 = [p12, zeros(nt, 1)];
p23 = [p23, zeros(nt, 1)];
vols = abs (cross (p12, p23, 2));
idx = (vols(:,3) ./ sqrt (sumsq (p12, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols(:,3) ./ sqrt (sumsq (p23, 2))) < tol;
## >= 3D, calcualte additional vectors, do higher lev volume calc.
p34 = pts(T(:,3), :) - pts(T(:,4), :);
if (nd == 4)
## 3D
vols = abs (detvec3 (p12, p23, p34));
idx = (vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p12, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p23, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p34, 2))) < tol;
## >= 4D
p45 = pts(T(:,4), :) - pts(T(:,5), :);
if (nd ==5)
## 4D
vols = abs (detvec4 (p12, p23, p34, p45));
idx = (vols./ sqrt (sumsq (p12, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p23, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p34, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p45, 2))) < tol;
## >= 5D
p56 = pts(T(:,5), :) - pts(T(:,6), :);
if (nd ==6)
## 5D
vols = abs (detvec5 (p12, p23, p34, p45, p56));
idx = (vols./ sqrt (sumsq (p12, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p23, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p34, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p45, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p56, 2))) < tol;
## >= 6D
p67 = pts(T(:,6), :) - pts(T(:,7), :);
if (nd == 7)
## 6D
vols = abs (detvec6 (p12, p23, p34, p45, p56, p67));
idx = (vols./ sqrt (sumsq (p12, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p23, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p34, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p45, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p56, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p67, 2))) < tol;
## >= 7D
p78 = pts(T(:,7), :) - pts(T(:,8), :);
## 6D
vols = abs (detvec6 (p12, p23, p34, p45, p56, p67, p78));
idx = (vols./ sqrt (sumsq (p12, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p23, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p34, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p45, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p56, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p67, 2))) < tol & ...
(vols ./ sqrt (sumsq (p78, 2))) < tol;
## FIXME: Vectorize this for loop or convert delaunayn to .oct function
idx = [];
for i = 1:nt
X = pts(T(i,1:end-1),:) - pts(T(i,2:end),:);
if (abs (det (X)) / sqrt (sumsq (X, 2)) < tol)
idx(end+1) = i;
T(idx,:) = [];
function ret = detvec3 (v1, v2, v3)
ret = dot (v1, cross (v2, v3, 2), 2);
function ret = detvec4 (v1, v2, v3, v4)
ret = v1(:,1) .* detvec3 (v2(:,2:4), v3(:,2:4), v4(:,2:4))...
- v1(:,2) .* detvec3 (v2(:,[1,3,4]), v3(:,[1,3,4]), v4(:,[1,3,4]))...
+ v1(:,3) .* detvec3 (v2(:,[1,2,4]), v3(:,[1,2,4]), v4(:,[1,2,4]))...
- v1(:,4) .* detvec3 (v2(:,1:3), v3(:,1:3), v4(:,1:3));
function ret = detvec5 (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)
ret = v1(:,1) .* detvec4 (v2(:,2:5), v3(:,2:5), v4(:,2:5), v5(:,2:5))...
- v1(:,2) .* detvec4 (v2(:,[1,3,4,5]), v3(:,[1,3,4,5]), v4(:,[1,3,4,5]), v5(:,[1,3,4,5]))...
+ v1(:,3) .* detvec4 (v2(:,[1,2,4,5]), v3(:,[1,2,4,5]), v4(:,[1,2,4,5]), v5(:,[1,2,4,5]))...
- v1(:,4) .* detvec4 (v2(:,[1,2,3,5]), v3(:,[1,2,3,5]), v4(:,[1,2,3,5]), v5(:,[1,2,3,5]))...
+ v1(:,5) .* detvec4 (v2(:,1:4), v3(:,1:4), v4(:,1:4), v5(:,1:4));
function ret = detvec6 (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6)
ret = v1(:,1) .* detvec5 (v2(:,2:6), v3(:,2:6), v4(:,2:6), v5(:,2:6), v6(:,2:6))...
- v1(:,2) .* detvec5 (v2(:,[1,3,4,5,6]), v3(:,[1,3,4,5,6]), v4(:,[1,3,4,5,6]), v5(:,[1,3,4,5,6]), v6(:,[1,3,4,5,6]))...
+ v1(:,3) .* detvec5 (v2(:,[1,2,4,5,6]), v3(:,[1,2,4,5,6]), v4(:,[1,2,4,5,6]), v5(:,[1,2,4,5,6]), v6(:,[1,2,4,5,6]))...
- v1(:,4) .* detvec5 (v2(:,[1,2,3,5,6]), v3(:,[1,2,3,5,6]), v4(:,[1,2,3,5,6]), v5(:,[1,2,3,5,6]), v6(:,[1,2,3,5,6]))...
+ v1(:,5) .* detvec5 (v2(:,[1,2,3,4,6]), v3(:,[1,2,3,4,6]), v4(:,[1,2,3,4,6]), v5(:,[1,2,3,4,6]), v6(:,[1,2,3,4,6]))...
- v1(:,6) .* detvec5 (v2(:,1:5), v3(:,1:5), v4(:,1:5), v5(:,1:5), v6(:,1:5));
function ret = detvec7 (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7)
ret = v1(:,1) .* detvec6 (v2(:,2:7), v3(:,2:7), v4(:,2:7), v5(:,2:7), v6(:,2:7), v7(:,2:7))...
- v1(:,2) .* detvec6 (v2(:,[1,3:7]), v3(:,[1,3:7]), v4(:,[1,3:7]), v5(:,[1,3:7]), v6(:,[1,3:7]), v7(:,[1:7]))...
+ v1(:,3) .* detvec6 (v2(:,[1,2,4:7]), v3(:,[1,2,4:7]), v4(:,[1,2,4:7]), v5(:,[1,2,4:7]), v6(:,[1,2,4:7]), v7(:,[1,2,4:7]))...
- v1(:,4) .* detvec6 (v2(:,[1:3,5:7]), v3(:,[1:3,5:7]), v4(:,[1:3,5:7]), v5(:,[1:3,5:7]), v6(:,[1:3,5:7]), v7(:,[1:3,5:7]))...
+ v1(:,5) .* detvec6 (v2(:,[1:4,6,7]), v3(:,[1:4,6,7]), v4(:,[1:4,6,7]), v5(:,[1:4,6,7]), v6(:,[1:4,6,7]), v7(:,[1:4,6,7]))...
- v1(:,6) .* detvec6 (v2(:,[1:5,7]), v3(:,[1:5,7]), v4(:,[1:5,7]), v5(:,[1:5,7]), v6(:,[1:5,7]), v7(:,[1:5,7]))...
+ v1(:,7) .* detvec6 (v2(:,1:6), v3(:,1:6), v4(:,1:6), v5(:,1:6), v6(:,1:6), v7(:,1:6));
%!testif HAVE_QHULL
%! x = [-1, 0; 0, 1; 1, 0; 0, -1; 0, 0];
%! assert (sortrows (sort (delaunayn (x), 2)), [1,2,5;1,4,5;2,3,5;3,4,5]);
## Test 3-D input
%!testif HAVE_QHULL
%! x = [-1, -1, 1, 0, -1]; y = [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1]; z = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1];
%! assert (sortrows (sort (delaunayn ([x(:) y(:) z(:)]), 2)), [1,2,3,4;1,2,4,5]);
## FIXME: Need tests for delaunayn
## Input validation tests
%!error delaunayn ()