## Copyright (C) 2008-2021 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file COPYRIGHT.md in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or .
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
## .
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {} {@var{d} =} addtodate (@var{d}, @var{q}, @var{f})
## Add @var{q} amount of time (with units @var{f}) to the serial datenum,
## @var{d}.
## @var{f} must be one of @qcode{"year"}, @qcode{"month"}, @qcode{"day"},
## @qcode{"hour"}, @qcode{"minute"}, @qcode{"second"}, or
## @qcode{"millisecond"}.
## @seealso{datenum, datevec, etime}
## @end deftypefn
function d = addtodate (d, q, f)
persistent mult = struct ("day", 1, "hour", 1/24, "minute", 1/1440, ...
"second", 1/86400, "millisecond", 1/86400000);
if (nargin != 3)
print_usage ();
elseif (! (ischar (f) && isrow (f)))
error ("addtodate: F must be a single character string");
if (isscalar (d) && ! isscalar (q))
## expand d to size of q to make later addition easier.
d = repmat (d, size (q));
## in case the user gives f as a plural, remove the 's'
if ("s" == f(end))
f(end) = [];
if (any (strcmpi ({"year" "month"}, f)))
dtmp = datevec (d);
if (strcmpi ("year", f))
dtmp(:,1) += q(:);
elseif (strcmpi ("month", f))
dtmp(:,2) += q(:);
## adjust the years and months if the date rolls over a year
dtmp(:,1) += floor ((dtmp(:,2)-1)/12);
dtmp(:,2) = mod (dtmp(:,2)-1, 12) + 1;
## avoid days beyond end of month
beyondEOM = dtmp(:,3) > eomday (dtmp(:,1), dtmp(:,2));
dtmp(beyondEOM,3) = eomday (dtmp(beyondEOM,1), dtmp(beyondEOM,2));
dnew = datenum (dtmp);
## make the output the right shape
if (numel (d) == numel (dnew))
d = reshape (dnew, size (d));
d = reshape (dnew, size (q));
elseif (any (strcmpi ({"day" "hour" "minute" "second", "millisecond"}, f)))
d += q .* mult.(f);
error ("addtodate: Invalid time unit: %s", f);
## tests
%!shared d
%! d = datenum (2008, 1, 1);
## Identity
%!assert (addtodate (d, 0, "year"), d)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 0, "month"), d)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 0, "day"), d)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 0, "hour"), d)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 0, "minute"), d)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 0, "second"), d)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 0, "millisecond"), d)
## Add one of each
## leap year
%!assert (addtodate (d, 1, "year"), d+366)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 1, "month"), d+31)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 1, "day"), d+1)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 1, "hour"), d+1/24)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 1, "minute"), d+1/1440)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 1, "second"), d+1/86400)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 1, "millisecond"), d+1/86400000)
## subtract one of each
%!assert (addtodate (d, -1, "year"), d-365)
%!assert (addtodate (d, -1, "month"), d-31)
%!assert (addtodate (d, -1, "day"), d-1)
%!assert (addtodate (d, -1, "hour"), d-1/24)
%!assert (addtodate (d, -1, "minute"), d-1/1440)
%!assert (addtodate (d, -1, "second"), d-1/86400)
%!assert (addtodate (d, -1, "millisecond"), d-1/86400000)
## rollover
%!assert (addtodate (d, 12, "month"), d+366)
%!assert (addtodate (d, 13, "month"), d+366+31)
## multiple inputs and output orientation
%!assert (addtodate ([d d], [1 13], "month"), [d+31 d+366+31])
%!assert (addtodate ([d;d], [1;13], "month"), [d+31;d+366+31])
%!assert (addtodate (d, [1;13], "month"), [d+31;d+366+31])
%!assert (addtodate (d, [1 13], "month"), [d+31 d+366+31])
%!assert (addtodate ([d;d+1], 1, "month"), [d+31;d+1+31])
%!assert (addtodate ([d d+1], 1, "month"), [d+31 d+1+31])
## end of month days check
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2020-12-31"), -1, "month"), 738125)
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2020-12-30"), -1, "month"), 738125)
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2020-12-29"), -1, "month"), 738124)
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2021-03-31"), -1, "month"), 738215)
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2021-03-29"), -1, "month"), 738215)
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2020-03-30"), -1, "month"), 737850)
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2020-03-29"), -1, "month"), 737850)
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2020-03-28"), -1, "month"), 737849)
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2020-02-29"), -1, "month"), 737819)
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2020-02-28"), -1, "month"), 737818)
%!assert (addtodate (datenum ("2020-01-31"), +1, "month"), 737850)
## Test input validation
%!error addtodate ()
%!error addtodate (1)
%!error addtodate (1,2)
%!error addtodate (1,2,3,4)
%!error addtodate (1,2,3)
%!error addtodate (1,2,"month"')
%!error addtodate (1,2,"abc")