##S mapping pkg load statistics #cd C:\Octave\Octave-3.8.2 load 'logistic.dat' #load up and pre-process a timeseries of data from the logisic map to use as an example #as it is chaotic. data=flipud(logistic); #flip so that most recent at top, so not going backwards. #load 'tinkerbell.dat'; #data=flipud(tinkerbell); #may need to then one minus the data if doing #one step projection, or Tp minus if doing Tp steps. #define m and d, theta and Tp (last 3 will be in function when done) #d=2; #Tp=1 #theta=2 #latest = 90 #earliest = 150 clvector=1; for i=0:10 [yt,cl] = smap(data,150,90,i,1,4); clvector = [clvector;cl]; endfor clvector = clvector(2:(length(clvector))) axis = 0:(length(clvector)-1) plot (axis, clvector, 'x')